Rehabilitation General Studies Faculty, UPR

Scope of work for this Project consists but not limited to structural & architectural rehabilitationi of two existing buildings, amphitheater and classroom and office building.

Contract Amount: $15,557,000.00
Completed: December 2011

Green Building considerations:

  1. Building reuse, the project consists of the renovation of an existing facility.
  2. Heat Island Effect, built up system complies with green building parameters.
  3. Materials reuse, existing wood desk and fascias were renovated.
  4. Site Development, the project considered the protection and restorations of the surrounding habitat.
  5. Construction waste management techniques were required. The concrete, masonry, and metals demolished were recycled.
  6. Low-emitting materials, adhesives & sealants, paints & coatings, and carpets systems were required.